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National Legal Service AMULEX
Tips for travellers

RAN IN: Russia




Audience: The company made a research and identified the main audience with which it was necessary to build a dialogue in the first place: young families from regions with an average or above average income, constantly using modern technologies and interested in new services. Due to an active lifestyle, they need legal support more often than others do, especially in the sphere of consumer relations, family law, inheritance, real estate and automobiles sphere. Remote service is the best solution for them, allowing to connect from anywhere in the world at any time through modern means of communication. The problem was only that they did not know about this service and it was necessary to quickly and massively promote advantages of AMULEX among them.

Objectives: After conducting a preliminary marketing research, the company chose the main KPIs: 1.Increasing number of transactions in 10 times 2.Increasing average check in 3 times 3.Increasing number of online hits to 300 per month (in 12 times) In addition, the total media coverage of the campaign was planned as 10 million views) The original plan to increase deals was 5x, but in the process of preparing the campaign and conducting tests, the marketing team came to full confidence that the company can afford to raise the KPI to 10x. In the beginning the number was 2,400 sales per month. The main indicator of success was precisely the number of services sold. Things like coverage, traffic and consultations were important themselves, but secondary as indicators.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian