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Launch of platform 'Other rules'

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Urban residents, active users of communication, especially the Internet: they are in touch with friends and family online and use their smartphones to settle any issues. They tend to choose tariffs with medium or large content for which they are willing to pay more. At the same time, they make it a point to select very best offers that suit their needs and get as much as they can for the money they pay. Another thing that matters to them is clarity and unambiguity of tariffs and also quality of communication which they are not willing to sacrifice for a low price tag*. * Ipsos Comcon, Segmentation of cellular subscribers, 2016.

Objectives: Business KPI: 1. Growth of operational revenue by 8% vs. 2016. 2. Growth of EBITDA by 20% vs 2016. 3. Growth of subscriber's base by 2% (end of 2016 - 39,0 mio people). 4. Growth of ARPU (average revenue per unit) by 7% vs. 2016. Marketing KPI: 5. Leadership in Consideration - index of subscribers' readiness to switch to another operator, (Q4 2016 - rated second, lagging behind the leader by 3%*). 6. Growth of AdAwareness by 5% and shortening the gap between competitors and us but without increasing of total media budget (Q4 2016 - 43%, lagging behind the leader by 27%*). 7. Keeping the leadership in VFM and keeping the gap with the closest competitor on the level of 2016 (gap not less than 3%*). 8. Leadership in relevance ('For people like me', Q4 2016 - ranked 2d after MTS*). 9. Keeping the leadership in NPS and keeping the gap from the closest competitor on the level of 2016 (gap not less than 10%*). * FDF + Magram, Quantitaitve research Tracking, Q4 2016.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian