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Safe kids tariff

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Mothers of children under 4 years. The core target audience is women at the age of 20-35 living in Moscow. 37% of these mothers has second child aged from 5 to 12 years (MediaScope, M'Index 2017/2HY). They are extremely careful in choosing goods and services for their children, paying much attention to health and safety. Taxi service is in 30% more often used by Moscow dwellers than in average.

Objectives: The project aim is related to B and C categories to increase consumers loyalty, which will be reflected in KPIs: Brand I Love, Brand I Trust. B. To tell mothers about safe baby chairs as an important element while transporting your child, to make them use this kind of taxi. KPI is connected with the number of rides on Kids tariff. (According to Yandex data) C. To raise the Brand I Love and Brand I trust indexes in Moscow by project. KPI: Brand I Love index growth (it was fixed 59% by IPSOS), growth of Brand I Trust index (it was fixed 69%).

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian