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MTS. The Universe of Nagiev

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Developing the idea of the campaign, we based upon the following knowledge about our audience: the average age is from 18 to 40, the main part lives in cities with population of 1М + (49 %). The significant part of the audience watches TV, including TV series (Source: Mediascope/TNS data, 2016).  

Objectives: GOAL 1 - leadership in the indicator I like the operators advertisement. At the beginning of 2017, Beeline was the leader by this indicator, and is still in advance of competitors. See Table 1. GOAL 2 - growth of advertising indicators for the segments of retail and devices: 2017 vs 2016. The attractiveness of campaigns in this segment is always much lower than the indicators for the attractiveness of the operators offers campaigns due to the specificity of the category (retail category with special offer) and the lack of opportunity to use celebrities for similar campaigns due to the budget restrictions. An average indicator of likability for retail and devices segments is 25 vs 38.42 p. on the operators offers campaigns. (Source: Brand Health Tracking 2016.) GOAL 3 - retention of fatigue with the commercials with Nagievs participation remain at the same level (lack of growth). An average fatigue indicator for 2016 is 19.6 (Source: Brand Health Tracking 2016)  

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian