1. Sulin Lau - Leads Marketing for countries & Grab Brand
2. Carina Teo - Regional Head of Creative
3. Rahadian Fajar Kusuma - Head, Brand & Integrated Marketing Communications
4. Inggritha Adwinchia - Marketing Manager
5. Meryl Emma Karenina - Assistant Manager, Brand & Integrated Marketing Communications
6. Johan Sihombing - Marketing Campaign Manager
7. Andruya A - Creative Director
8. Galuh Syafitri - Assistant Social media Manager
9. Debojyoti Amitava Sanyal - Integrated Media Planning Manager
10. Farrell F - Assistant Partnership Manager
Social Impact reports were originally created to help customers make better-informed choices about supporting those companies with the greatest social, economic or environment in their communities. Alas, they’re usually too boring to be read and thus, fail in influencing socially-impactful consumer choices.
The Reinvention of Social Impact Reports was long overdue - and this Effie case is about how Grab got millions of ordinary people to read a report by using data to personalise a unique report for every single Grab user.