Singapore Telecommunications
Jennifer Ng - Head, TV Marketing & Home Services, Branding & Segment Marketing
Bill Ang - Director, Consumer Brand Development, Content Marketing & Social Media
Lynette Poh - Director, Marketing Communications
Harish Nambiar - Senior Manager, Marketing Communications
Matthew Pak - Manager, Segment Marketing
Eunice Chong - Manager, Marketing Communications
Angie Ong - Associate Director, Marketing Communications, Digital Media
Adrian Ang - Design Lead
Nicolas Blais - Manager, Digital Marketing
Singtel, a Singapore payTV provider, needed to recruit football fans to watch the 19/20 English Premier League (EPL), despite having the same coverage and prices as their closest competitor. In Singapore, it is deep expertise that defines a true fan. So Singtel decided to appeal to fans’ expertise, not by praising them, but by trolling them. By deliberately making mistakes and getting fans to post angry comments on social media, Singtel’s streaming service saw +660% in sign-ups YOY and payTV sign-ups YOY remained stable, in a declining category.