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Football emotions

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: The second largest group were recreational fans - Both genders Skew towards middle class and higher. For them FOOTBALL IS A SHOW AND A REASON TO GATHERThe largest group were Casual viewers - Skew towards females and reaches across all social levels. For them FOOTBALL IS FASHION AND A TOPIC TO SUPPORT

Objectives: Objectives 1. Increase market share (66.4% in April 2018) 2. Increase brand awareness indicators as well as affinity for certain statements in IPSOS BrandHealth metrics.  Current key brand health metrics are below.  February-March 2018 Top Of Mind Brand Awareness  24 Total spontaneous awareness 49 Total Brand Awareness 98 Image characteristic - My favourite snack food 30 Image characteristic - Offers something different than other salty snacks 22  

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian