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Generation M

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Children 6-18 years.One of the most active Internet audience. The promotion of the mobile Internet consumption is one of MTS key business objectives and just this audience constitutes one of the main growth drivers. Parents 30-65 years.The reduced earnings restrict significantly the parents’ opportunities to ensure supplementary education and useful leisure activities for children. Addressing vital social community problems helps to increase customers’ confidence in and loyalty to the brand. Authorities. Business willingness to invest in social development enables to establish an effective partnership that has a positive impact on the company’s operation in regions.

Objectives: -Treatment of MTS as a socially-oriented business by raising awareness of broad public of the project, involvement of partners.KPI (by_the_end_2018):"Generation_M"social media communities growth +30%social-media coverage 20mln people5000 mass media publications150events with offline coverage 500.000people 170creative partners-Enhance confidence and loyalty of existing and potential customers.KPI: growth of the gap with competitors in terms of the loyalty index NPS (Net Promoter Score) with focus on the key business regions - (business-clusters “Strong”, “Leader”), where there is no planned marketing promotion, while there is a need to increase the loyalty. 

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian