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Near at hand: how a common figure of speech became the core of the media strategy

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: [Demographically speaking, Otrivin consumers are 25YO to 55YO people with an average/above average income, but psychographic analysis revealed that they also tend to be super-achievers, they want to be first in all life spheres – technology, career, fashion, brands. From media point of view, Otrivin TA is very mobile, they consume large amounts of information both from offline and online channels. They like Otrivin as it helps to get quick and effective relief of nasal symptoms, which is very important for them to always be the best.]

Objectives: [ Goal 1: Strengthening positions in the category. Objective: Grow 2 times faster vs the category KPI: Sales uplift 2 times faster vs sales uplift by other nasal players (Proxima sales data, 2018) Goal 2: Building emotional connection between the brand and the audience Objective: New occassions for TA to buy Otrivin KPI: consideration uplift from 58% till 60% (Ipsos Comcon, mar'18) Objective: Increase the interest to the brand KPI: 75% completion rate; 1,6% CTR; 60% bounce rate (Weborama, Google Analytics) Objective: Maintain high awareness KPI: 84% media reach for 2018 (Mediascope data) ]

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian