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New Year Charity campaign

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: The New Year campaign was supposed to resonate with an advanced target audience. These are active people aged from 25 to 40 years, any level Mastercard cardholders. They live in large cities, have higher education and a regular income, average and higher. These people live and make decisions consciously, social orientation of the brand and it’s contribution to the development of society are extremely important for them*. * Nielsen, “New Facets of Social Responsibility”, July 2017

Objectives: The New Year campaign of MasterCard had the following objectives: A. Differentiate Mastercard within the category with improved perception as "brand that makes people’s lives better” (from 41% in November 2018 to 43% in December 2018) B. Image objective: closening the gap with primary competitor VISA in TOM (top of mind) awareness by 2 p.points in Q4/2018 vs Q3/2018 C. Behavioural: rise in number of consumers preferring MasterCard as payment method at points of sale (from 43% in November 2018 to 45% in December 2018)

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian