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Brushed? - Listerine!

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: We had 2 main target audiences: Men and women 25-45 years old, urban residents with an average+ income, with an active lifestyle, taking care of their health. They visit a dentist at least once a year, but do not use a mouthwash, believing that brushing teeth is enough. 2) Those who already buy mouthwashes, but forget to use them regularly, twice a day.

Objectives: Our objective for 2018: Value sales growth + 20% versus 13% in 2017. Measurement tool: Internal sales data. Market share growth (+2pp. vs. 2017). Measurement tool: Nielsen. Change the trend and return the category to growth (+1% against -1.8% in 2017) Category penetration growth, which indicates the formation of a habit. Growth of Listerine regular users. Measurement tool: Brand Power study, Millward Brown. Growth of Listerine image attribute "Essential for daily oral care routine". Measurement tool: Brand Power study, Millward Brown.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian