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Lays & Pyaterochka employed Olga Buzova

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Our campaign targeted Lay’s audience, matching Pyaterochka’s. With its slogan ‘Make Life Flavourful’, Lay’s is the brand for vibrant and sociable millennials aged 18–34. The partnership meant we could take a new approach to attract our audience’s attention. What do we know about them? They don’t pay attention to product ads and paid content However, they keep an eye on trends and follow bloggers and celebrities with interest They don’t want to passively listen but prefer content they can engage and interact with (Source: Kantar Millwardbrown Adreaction 2017 ‘Gen X, Y and Z’)

Objectives: Our commercial goal – increase Lay’s sales by 30% in October-November 2018 at ‘Pyaterochka’ without any price cuts. For that we decided to engage the consumer in a duel of 2 exclusive Lay’s flavours via a voting mechanic. We set the following KPIs: Lay’s sales in ‘Pyaterochka’: >+30% vs. last year Lay’s market share in ‘Pyaterochka’: >+0.5% (based on previous campaigns) Lay’s price discount: 0% Lay’s share of shelf: Growth is desirable Digital reach: 14% of TА (18-34) Impressions: 34.6m (benchmark) Clicks: 53000 (benchmark) Site visits: 50% from clicks (benchmark)

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian