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MTS Streamishche

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Our audience: average age 20-24 (28%), 25-34 years old (28 %). The majority live in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and cities of 500 thousands - 1M + sitizens, their level of personal income is under 30 500 rubles (TGI Data Friend, Q117). 88% of the audience actively using social networks (Source: Agence data 2016). Technological preferences : use smartphones (80,7%); use streaming services (45%), technologies are important for their productivity (55%), love buying new gadgets (41%) (Source: Dentsu Aegis Network CCS, 2016). 80 % of audience use social networks (TGI Data Friend, Q117). Characteristics of the target audience: hard to find in traditional media; does not pay attention to standard advertising; it carefully approaches its choice of content and does so independently; it actively tries out new content and seeks it out from different sources; it does not watch TV or watches little, it spends the majority of time in on digital media, often mobile-only; it skips videos while watching content, and uses Adblock; it spends the majority of time on social networks, where it is very active.

Objectives: Despite the fact that the ultimate goal of all advertising campaigns is to increase the actual profit of the brand, the goal of this activation was gradual audience engagement, winning popularity with it and growing future loyal users. So it was important for us to reach the target audience as much as possible and involve it in brand communication. In the Strimishche campaign, we first of all focused on the media results which contributed to the growth of business indicators in the long term. Goal No. 1: Achieving the required number of views. KPI for number of views is at least 3,000,000 Goal No. 2: Achievement of audience reach indicator. KPI for reach is 12,000,000. Number of the audience members under 25 years old on Vkontakte is 9,630,000. Thus, KPI for reach of 12,000,000 is 124% of TA, which is already 109% higher than the standard MTS indicators for this KPI for under 25 year-olds. In turn, 3,000,000 is 25% of the planned reach, which is an ambitious goal, since projects with similar mechanics have displayed indicators of 20% on average.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian