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I am for Coffee!

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Men and women, 25-35+ yo.Income middle to upper middle class. They strive for better life, socially active, have hobbies apart from professional life. They love coffee, for many its a primary drink. Many of them can not imagine their life without coffee. They have quite emotional relationships with coffee - not just to wake up, but a wide variety of needs (physical and emotional). We anticipated that thanks to the emotional bond with coffee our audience would pick up our initiative to celebrate the National Coffee Day in Russia and activate a viral spreading of the idea.

Objectives: 1. Reinforce the brand image and increase brand presence in media KPIs for audience reach - 10 000 000 people (Russian population at the age 25-35 yo is 24,5 mln according to statdata.ru) KPI for Impressions Total - 179 200 000 (KPI for Impressions in each channel is attached) KPIs for audience reach and impressions are set for 3,5 weeks 2. Grow sales by 50% in October vs September 2017 Very ambitious KPI given the fact that sales have not grown in the first three quarters of 2017. 3.Grow market share in Q4 + 0,3 vs 2016 (From 1,5 to 1,8) Market share at the end of 2016 was 1,5 The first three quarters of 2017 market share did not grow.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian