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Online School Foxford
Solving problems for parents

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Target audience: Parents (aged 35-55) of 14 to 17 y.o. children showing average performance, living in large cities (1M+), having average income. They use Internet a few times a week, and are not averse to Internet services or online shopping.  

Objectives: The company's ambition was to lead a new category in the Russian market, and become its namesake. The campaigns goal was to increase the client base, promoting the adoption of the category by the market (commercial goal). By attracting top students, the base of paying clients increased by 18% the previous year. By reaching a wider audience, the client had planned to exceed the previous figures by a significant margin. Advertising campaign KPIs compared to the last year were: 1) increase the paying customer base by 40%; 2) increase the revenue from fees by 90%.  

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian