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Petrovich. Shop in stores, where 90% of professionals shop

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Our target audiences: 1. Ordinary people in the Moscow and Northwest regions, who live and work in modern megacities with its mad rhythm, unregulated work hours and constant traffic. And for whom renovation is another stress, coping with which would be easier by at least being confident in something like the best store for construction materials. 2. Moscow professionals (supervisors) for whom we are newbies on the market. They are rational and conservative in their choices; nevertheless, they respect their colleagues and listen to their opinion. 3. St. Petersburg professionals (supervisors) who have been our loyal clients for a while already. They do not have to be lured, they just have to be reminded that we remember and cherish them after two successful campaigns, oriented on the end-users!

Objectives: Case objectives

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian