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How Actimel strengthened its immunity

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Before 2016 the brand used the educational approach to the wide audience, explaining the nature of immunity and the product’s connection to immunity strengthening. At the start of our project we’ve changed our approach to target audience definition and focused specifically on those who are: 1) Concerned with their health and life tonus support (who believe in prevention and is ready to take action to protect themselves against colds). 2) Current Actimel consumers (or used to be), who do not purchase product regularly (or stopped). We’ve narrowed the target audience to focus on growing consumption amongst those who are already receptive to the category and brand’s proposal. We realized that prolonged stagnation of economy won’t allow the brand to involve people effectively without actualized need to support the immunity into the category.

Objectives: To bring back the brand (and category) to growth – to enter the ‘plus zone’ (min +3% vs previous year) in 2016 and to create a platform for long-term brand development. To reach our goals we needed to solve two marketing problems: 1) To grow penetration among those who believe in sickness prevention but aren’t sure Actimel is the right drink for that purpose. 2)To increase the frequency of purchases among occasional brand consumers by creating a habit of drinking Actimel regularly for immunity

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian