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Ukupnik Breaks the Charts Again

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: The target audience of the project was the age group of 18-45 (potential and current clients), with the age group of 25-45 as its core (68 percent). The audience was predominantly female (56 percent), with secondary and higher education, professionals (29 percent), manual workers (14 percent), and non-manual workers (14 percent). In general, the target audience lacks financial and technological expertise. They are not used to making their own decisions and largely rely on other people's opinion. "I'm quite good at managing finances," say 20 percent of respondents (Index 88). "When it comes to banking, I normally rely on the expertise of bank employees," say 52 percent. "I'm concerned about the safety of my personal data when I use my credit card," say 83 percent. "My opinion of goods and brands is influenced by comments and reviews other people leave on the Internet," admit 50 percent of respondents. (Mediascope M'Index 2017/1, 100,000+ cities, survey audience: current Sberbank clients who intend to start using mobile banking) Preferred platforms (in the age group of 18-45): "61 percent Android "34 percent iPhone "3 percent Windows Phone and 2 percent iPad

Objectives: Business goals (inspired by the success of the Big Russian Boss campaign, which was launched on 03/11/17, we set ambitious goals): 1. Incremental growth of 150,000 new users of the Sberbank Online mobile application over two weeks of the campaign. 2. Increase of daily active audience through incremental growth of the average number of unique log-ins to the Sberbank Online mobile app by 1.5 mln over two weeks.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian