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Generation M

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: 1.Children and teenagers of 6-18 years, all Russian regions. One of the most active Internet audience: 84% of schoolchildren spend more than 3 hours per day on the Internet and one in seven more than 8 hours (according to the Fund Internet Development, 2016). The carriers social role is to protect children from adverse information and create a positive content. The promotion of the mobile Internet consumption is one of MTS key business objectives and just this audience constitutes one of the main growth drivers. 2.Adults of 30-65 years, parents, all Russian regions. The reduced earnings restrict significantly the parents opportunities to ensure supplementary education and useful leisure activities for children. Meanwhile, Russians indicate family relations and children as the most important values (index 98 of 100), according to the Russian Public Opinion Research Center for 2017. Addressing vital social community problems helps to increase customers confidence in and loyalty to the brand. 3.Regional authority representatives. A social function continues to be the main for the government even when it is forced to reduce expenses on the social policy. Business willingness to invest in social development enables to establish an effective partnership that has a positive impact on the companys operation in regions.

Objectives: 1.Treatment of MTS as a socially-oriented business to increase confidence in the company by raising awareness of broad public of the project and establishing within the project a key as highly as possible involved group of participants that will become a driver of the project organic promotion and MTS brand ambassador amid parents and peers. KPI (according to internal trend assessments with respect to charity and creativity projects): Internet (a key platform enabling to form a habit of using digital services among subscribers and gain confidence of those who get used thereto): a.To involve 14 m the Internet users in own social project Generation M in 2017. To ensure the audience growth by 30% annually. b.To ensure the audience Generation M in VK, Instagram communities and website registered users growth by 30% annually. Media (ensuring a broad audience coverage to inform about the project and MTS social focus also among people that are not used to deal with digital services and digital communication channels): a.To initiate at least 5 000 publications in Russian media in 2017. b.To establish a project creative team consisting of at least 150 celebrities and cultural professionals from various artistic fields (design, cinema, music, art, blogosphere, etc.) for drawing attention to the project, generating additional newsworthy developments and involving Russian star fans in the project. Offline events (enabling to generate striking newsworthy developments and inform subscribers about convenient digital tools): To hold at least 100 support events per year covering not less than 300 000 people. 2.Result: enhanced confidence and loyalty of existing and potential customers. KPI: NPS (Net Promoter Score) growth throughout Russia, catching up with competitors by this index (MTS showed the lowest figures among the Big Three). The NPS shows subscribers willingness to recommend a carrier, i.e. constitutes a key tool for customer loyalty evaluation and assessment of the companys revenue potential growth. A measurement tool is a respondent poll conducted by an independent agency.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian