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These days are normal. Move on!

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Young women 16-26, urban residents, 66% have higher education or are students or first jobbers. They are cheerful and active, strive to reveal their potential in different spheres of life, have hobbies and love to share their achievements. Active Internet users and inhabitants of the social networks. The main difficulty for the brand is that female consumers are not involved in the category and are unwilling to think about it. In relation to the category women usually trust the choice of their mothers and continue to buy the same brand in the future, without being involved in the matter of choice. The reason for occasional trial of other products may be absence of their usual brand on shelf or promotions. This is the way they may choose new brand, and then continue to make purchases on "autopilot (К-С Global segmentation, 2016).

Objectives: For Kotex it was very important not only to break through the clatter of competitive communication with smaller media budget, but also to break the indifference of the target audience and to get into consideration set of the maximum number of young women. We wanted to: 1)Increase of Top of Mind from 9% in 2016 to 10% in 2017 and Spontaneous Brand Awareness from 54% in 2016 to 56% in 2017 (MillwardBrown BHT research) without increase of media investments. 2)Grow Kotex market share from c 6,4% in 2016 to 7,4% in value in 2017 (Source AC Nielsen 2017) 3)Increase penetration among women aged 16-26 from 14% in Q1 2017 to 17% in Q4 2017. (Data of RusIndex, Synovate Comcon) 4)Positive dynamics of Brand Equity indicators (MillwardBrown BHT data)

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian