General Motors
Mark-Hans Richer, Mktg. Director
Mary Kubitskey, Brand Advertising Mgr.
Steve Sitek, Event Mgr.
Gary Steilen, Mktg. Mgr. G6
Jace Stokes, Product Mgr. G6
Mary Henige, Mgr. Public Relations
Susan Hull, VP Account Dir.
Andrea Fant-Hobbs, VP Account Dir.
Molly Marchese, VP Media Dir.
Joanne Sunde, SVP Managing Dir.
Libby Smiley, Media Supervisor
GM Planworks
Pontiac partnered with "The Oprah Winfrey Show" for an unprecedented giveaway of 276 G6 vehicles to every audience member on the season opener. Beyond the emotional 25-minute in-show segment, the communications plan included paid online search, "Oprah" program content embedded in the Web site and a thorough PR plan. As a result, 87% of Americans were aware of the promotion. Pontiac experienced a 600% increase to and the highest click-through rate ever (17%). Press coverage, estimated at $100 million, included spotlights on the "Today Show," ESPN's "Sportscenter," "The David Letterman Show," "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno," "The Daily Show" and many more.