McDonald’s Polska Sp. z o. o
Michał Arament, Client Project Owner - Marketing Director
Katarzyna Borowska, Client Project Ownership
Malgorzata Majcher, Strategy Lead
Klementyna Jarmusz, Strategy
Dominika Laganowska, Agency project lead
Marcin Szmidt, Design Lead
OMD Sp. z o.o.
OMD Sp. z o.o.
Marta Sprzaczak, Media
Rafal Szafraniec, Group Account Director
Marta Czeczotka, Digital Strategy&Technology Manager
In order to strengthen the emotional bond with young people, we leveraged the cultural moment and establish a collaboration with the number 1 artist and the voice of the generation to show, on his example, that nothing is impossible - even becoming the CEO of love brand such as McDonald's. “Mata took over Mak” and created his own meal available in app and led the entire campaign in his own way. In result, we increased sales and traffic in application and created one of the greatest events of the year.