Effie Hong Kong Reveals Winners of 2014

One Grand, four gold, three silver, and five bronze Effies were awarded at the Hong Kong Effie Awards, which took place on June 6 at Island Shangri-La. This year marked Effie Hong Kong’s eleventh edition of the Effie Awards, organized by The Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong (HK4As).

DDB Group and McDonald’s Restaurants HK emerged from a pool of twenty-five finalists as a gold and Grand Effie winner for their case, “From CNY to WNY: Making the Most of the New Year.” The other golds went to Leo Burnett Limited/ZenithOptimedia and Abbot Laboratories Limited for “ARE U SURE?” for Abbott Pediasure,  Havas Wolrdwide Hong Kong and Reckitt Benckiser Hong Kong Limited for “The Orange Beach” for Dettol, and OMD Hong Kong/ Wunderman | AGENDA (Hong Kong) Limited and Wyeth Nutrition for “Two Thoughts One Goal” for Wyeth Materna.

For a full list of Effie Hong Kong’s winners and finalists, please click 这里


关于艾菲全球奖 艾菲全球奖倡导营销效果的实践和从业者,聚焦有效的营销理念,鼓励围绕营销效果的驱动因素进行深思熟虑的对话。艾菲网络与全球一些顶级研究和媒体组织合作,为受众提供有效营销策略的相关见解。艾菲奖被全球广告商和代理商誉为业内最高奖项,表彰有助于品牌成功的所有形式的营销传播。自 1968 年以来,获得艾菲奖已成为全球成就的象征。如今,艾菲在全球拥有 40 多个全球、地区和国家奖项来庆祝效果 程序 覆盖亚太地区、欧洲、拉丁美洲、中东/北非和北美。艾菲计划包括 艾菲效能指数,对全球最具影响力的公司和品牌进行排名,以及 艾菲案例数据库欲了解更多详情,请访问 www.effie.org。 跟随 @effieawards 在推特上了解艾菲奖的最新信息, 程序消息.