Trong một câu…
Bạn định nghĩa thế nào là tiếp thị hiệu quả?
As I know it, effective marketing is the most crucial driver for business growth, ensuring the right brand presence and sustainable profitability.
Bạn đang hứng thú với xu hướng tiếp thị nào hiện nay?
2023 is going to be all about the integration of AI-powered technologies, immersive experiences like virtual and augmented reality, and a focus on sustainability and social responsibility.
Sáng tạo thúc đẩy hiệu quả như thế nào?
Good creativity drives marketing effectiveness by fostering emotional connections and distinguishing brands, leading to increased engagement and a higher likelihood of conversion.
Bạn hy vọng marketing sẽ như thế nào trong năm năm tới?
I hope marketing becomes more personalized, authentic and values-driven, leveraging advanced technologies responsibly to deliver relevant and meaningful experiences to consumers, while making a positive impact on society and the environment.
Neha is a 2023 Tốt nhất toàn cầu phán xét. Xem thêm các tính năng của In One Sentence.