Apr 13, 2020
United States

2020 Effie Awards U.S. Update

As we navigate the unprecedented challenges brought on by the impact of COVID-19, Effie's top priority is to protect the health and safety of our network, while continuing to be a resource to you during this demanding time. 

As a result, we have made the following changes to this year's program:

- All remaining judging sessions for the 2020 Effie U.S. program will be held via video conference.

- All notifications of award status in the 2020 Effie U.S. competition will be sent in May 2020.  To accommodate the shift to virtual judging sessions, a selection of Final Round juries will be meeting throughout April.  Thank you for your patience as we complete our judging season.

- The Effie Awards U.S. Gala will be postponed from its June 4th date and winning teams will be celebrated in October 2020. The 2020 Commerce & Shopper Effie winners that were scheduled to be announced at the Path to Purchase Institute’s i3 Conference on May 7 will also be announced and celebrated in October.

We continue to closely monitor developments and are exploring best options to safely recognize this year's winners at a time that is appropriate. More details will be announced soon.

Effie is a forum for our industry to come together to celebrate marketing effectiveness and learn from one another.  We look forward to remaining connected (albeit virtually) and continuing to celebrate the very best of the work you do.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at effieus@effie.org.

Stay safe and be well.
Original Apr 13, 2020 United States

2020 Effie Awards U.S. Update

As we navigate the unprecedented challenges brought on by the impact of COVID-19, Effie's top priority is to protect the health and safety of our network, while continuing to be a resource to you during this demanding time. 

As a result, we have made the following changes to this year's program:

- All remaining judging sessions for the 2020 Effie U.S. program will be held via video conference.

- All notifications of award status in the 2020 Effie U.S. competition will be sent in May 2020.  To accommodate the shift to virtual judging sessions, a selection of Final Round juries will be meeting throughout April.  Thank you for your patience as we complete our judging season.

- The Effie Awards U.S. Gala will be postponed from its June 4th date and winning teams will be celebrated in October 2020. The 2020 Commerce & Shopper Effie winners that were scheduled to be announced at the Path to Purchase Institute’s i3 Conference on May 7 will also be announced and celebrated in October.

We continue to closely monitor developments and are exploring best options to safely recognize this year's winners at a time that is appropriate. More details will be announced soon.

Effie is a forum for our industry to come together to celebrate marketing effectiveness and learn from one another.  We look forward to remaining connected (albeit virtually) and continuing to celebrate the very best of the work you do.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at effieus@effie.org.

Stay safe and be well.