![Fran Clayton, Chief Strategy Officer, DDB Sydney](https://www.effie.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/80.png)
Í einni setningu…
Hvernig skilgreinir þú árangursríka markaðssetningu?
The most effective marketing doesn’t just drive commercial growth, it also creates positive impact in people’s lives and in culture.
Hvaða markaðsstefnu(r) ertu spenntur fyrir núna?
I get more excited about the stuff that doesn’t change, like the unreasonable effects of emotionally compelling brands.
Hvernig ýtir sköpunargáfunni áfram skilvirkni?
Effectiveness is all about solving human problems, and nothing beats creativity when it comes to changing the way people feel and behave.
Hver er stærsti hindrunin fyrir skilvirkni markaðssetningar?
Lack of follow through and commitment to strategy.
Hvernig vonar þú að markaðssetning líti út á næstu fimm árum?
Wouldn’t it be great if marketing earned a reputation for being one of the most exciting jobs in the world, attracting diverse thinkers and creators who want to make an impact?
Fran was a 2022 Effie Awards Australia dómari. Sjáðu fleiri eiginleika In One Sentence.