In One Sentence…
How do you define effective marketing?
Effective marketing invariably lives at the intersection of business and consumer need.
What marketing trend(s) are you excited about right now?
1) Data limitations that will force everyone to rethink how to better do “personalized” marketing 2) Increases in immersive capabilities from AR to shoppable will provide new opportunities for brands to think through comms and consumer journeys that drive effectiveness.
How does creativity drive effectiveness?
Hugely. Far too much marketing lacks an actual creative idea that unites the work and instead we have an execution masquerading as an idea and that execution then gets pre-tested into irrelevance.
What’s your favorite effectiveness win from the last few months—Personal or professional?
Reddit Superb Owl & UN Women UNseen Stories
What do you hope marketing looks like in the next five years?
Better thought through – less is more.
What advice do you have for future Effie Awards entrants?
Be very self-critical of your work and then ensure you very clearly and simply tell your story from insight to performance and ensure you reinforce that story.
Paul was a 2022 Multi-Region Effies judge. See other In One Sentence features.