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Foundation of a new holiday - Mobile Internet Day

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: We wanted to appeal to those who use the mobile Internet on every day basis, and prioritize the quality of the mobile Internet when choosing an operator. They are active, advanced people in the age of 18-30. They spend on the Internet on average 22 hours 33 minutes a week, with 525 minutes on social media, 392 minutes on online games, 328 minutes a week watching online video. They use mobile apps: Vkontakte (60%), YouTube (45%), Odnoklassniki (22%). Source: Dentsu Aegis Network CCS, 2016, shows the time of media channels use per week. They play online games and are generally interested in the game industry. They do not watch or almost do not watch TV, and prefer the online environment. They have less confidence in advertising than mass market (71% of advanced users do not trust advertising vs 48% among mass market - Source: GI Data Friend, Q416), advertising is annoying for them, as it interrupts their favorite content. They have their own opinion leaders (bloggers, video bloggers, gamers, etc.) - popular Russian celebrities do not have such influence for them.

Objectives: It was important for us to raise brand image indicators related to the perception of MTS Internet quality, and as a result to lengthen the lead over our competitors in people's desire to choose us. MARKETING GOAL To lengthen the lead over competitors in terms of "willingness to consider only this operator". KPI See Table 1. COMMUNICATION GOAL To lengthen the lead over competitors in terms of the perception of MTS as an operator providing the best mobile Internet. KPI: 1.The growth and increase of the lead lengthen over the nearest competitor in terms of "mobile internet brand awareness - the first reference" - See Table 2. 2. The growth and increase of the lead lengthen over the nearest competitor in terms of image attributes "the best quality of the mobile Internet", "offers high speed mobile Internet". See Table 3. We have not set any business goals in this campaign, since image communications do not directly stimulate sales, as it happens with tariff communications and other services. However, the achievement of our marketing goals should in perspective affect the increase in the subscriber base of MTS.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian