
Carpe Diem - Services

This award will go to those marketing ideas that had the ability to burn intensely for a finite period of time, putting a brand or service in a bright spotlight and creating immediate and measurable impact.



Precios Incluyentes

El 24 de abril, un tweet que decía: "Marica! Avantel de la 94...tiene enanos con camisetas que dicen precios bajos...", desencadenó una crisis mediática.
La crisis develó un problema más profundo, y era que los enanos eran discriminados para trabajar. Avantel decidió más que controlar la crisis buscar una solución a largo plazo que diera la oportunidad a todos aquellos marginados por su condición física, tendencia sexual, posición política o creencias a trabajar. La plataforma de inclusión corporativa se nombró Precios incluyentes y contrata cientos de personas discriminadas.

Brand: Avantel
Agency: Buentipo Anchor
Language: Spanish

Gigs for steps!

How to make a sharp turn in the brand image towards the direction of an active and advanced operator in a short period of time?Offer a unique service, which has no analogues on the market!Beeline launches a service that allows subscribers to change regular physical activity to free Internet.We need to tell about the service in a simple way, and most importantly not to scare away the mass audience, since healthy lifestyle is often perceived as "something fashionable, but not for me”.We needed a step out of the ordinary."Gigs for steps" - we said!

Brand: Beeline
Client: VimpelCom PJSC
Agency: Contrapunto
Language: English, Russian

Project 84

Male suicide is the single biggest killer of men under 45.But how do you get people talking about an issue nobody wants to talk about?That was the question we set out to answer, when 84 haunting statues suddenly appeared on top of the ITV tower, one cold morning in March...

Brand: CALM
Client: C.A.L.M.
Agency: adam&eveDDB
Language: English

2020_us_2020_e-5378-688_hero_1 SAP Open Letter
2020_us_2020_e-5510-904_hero_1 Ally Financial It's Payback Time
2019_au_2019_057_hero_1 The Dry July Foundation The Reclaiming of Dry July

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