
Positive Change - Social Good: Non-Profit

Recognizing non-profit organizations and associations whose communications efforts have effectively driven positive change for society and successfully contributed back to the organization's purpose.  Campaigns must show measurable impact and pro



Stop Traffick

Atlanta is the worst place in the US for child sex trafficking, an issue set to worsen in the run up to hosting the Super Bowl. However, child sex trafficking had fallen off people's radars and had lost its stopping power.  Through the symbolism of 72 buses, representing the number of children trafficked in Georgia each year, we reframed a space associated with safety, into a symbol no one could ignore. Stop Traffick galvanized Atlantans and policy makers around this horrific issue, leading to 169 arrests before Super Bowl LIII. 

Brand: Street Grace
Client: Street Grace
Agency: BBDO Atlanta
Language: English

End Family Fire

Every day, eight kids are unintentionally injured or killed by improperly stored guns in the home. Traditional communications failed to get through to gun owning parents, triggering a "don't take my guns away" reflex. We discovered that language had the power to change how people thought about the problem. By launching a visceral new vocabulary  - family fire - and engaging media to spread it, we reframed unsecured guns from protection to potential harm. We cut through, prompting 43% of ad-aware, gun-owning parents to seek information on safer gun storage.

Brand: Brady Campaign
Client: Brady Campaign
Agency: Droga5
Language: English


Od pepela izgorenog drveća napravljene su jedinstvene bojice – Boralice pomoću kojih su svi građani mogli nacrtati svoje drvo i uključiti se, putem web stranice boranka.hr, u akciju pošumljavanja požarišta Dalmacije. Iz običnog crnog pepela je tako pokrenuta najveća zelena volonterska akcija ikad organizirana u Hrvatskoj. U 8 tjedana, posađeno je 25.000 stabala uz pomoć 2.500 volontera, te 3.900.000 kuna donacija (u novcu, materijalu, uslugama i PRu) kako bi crna požarišta ponovo postala zelena.

Brand: Društvena akcija pošumljavanja
Client: Savez izviđača Hrvatske
Agency: Imago Ogilvy
Language: Croatian

2024_us_2024_e-9626-688_hero_1 AdCouncil Fentanyl Awareness Substitute Dealers
2023_ap_2023_sc-sn005_hero_1 Down Syndrome International Meet Kami
2023_eu_2023_e-822-945_hero_1 Magna fundraising Children: Testimony of War

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