
Positive Change - Social Good: Non-Profit

Recognizing non-profit organizations and associations whose communications efforts have effectively driven positive change for society and successfully contributed back to the organization's purpose.  Campaigns must show measurable impact and pro



Back to School

Sandy Hook Promise needed to recapture America's attention as the 2019-20 school year began. So we did what any brand that provides school essentials would do: we launched our own back-to-school campaign. With over 3.9 billion impressions, shares from 11 presidential candidates, and outpourings of emotion around the country, we brought the terrifying 'new normal' of gun violence to life and redefined what a back-to-school campaign could be. But most importantly, we supported Sandy Hook Promise's mission to empower each of us to stop a shooting before it can happen.

Brand: Sandy Hook Promise
Client: Sandy Hook Promise
Agency: BBDO New York
Language: English

We Are The NHS: Then, Now, Always

"After years of real-term funding cuts, staff shortages and costly recruitment practices, we narrowed the staff shortfall, delivered unprecedented applications, and built a future-facing NHS recruitment legacy.
We’ve done it in a year where securing the future NHS workforce was fundamental to protecting the nation’s health as Britain faced its greatest threat since World-War-Two with Covid-19.
“Then, now, always” is a rallying call to arms; an intimate, authentic celebration of the million+ staff who tirelessly care for the sick and put their lives on the line.
This is not a story of success. This is a story of survival."

Brand: NHS England
Client: NHS England
Agency: MullenLowe London
Language: English

The last older person to die in loneliness

Is a perfect example of PR use to create a conversation around the issue of unwanted loneliness. A reality only covered by media when an older person is found dead after being ignored for a long time. The creation and installation of the hyperrealistic sculpture and its subsequent positive twist, made the public and the media realize that we can still change this reality. The campaign shows how a PR-idea is able to catch the attention of an entire country to a group of people as vulnerable as the elerly.

Brand: Foundation BBK
Client: BBK
Agency: LLYC.
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9626-688_hero_1 AdCouncil Fentanyl Awareness Substitute Dealers
2023_ap_2023_sc-sn005_hero_1 Down Syndrome International Meet Kami
2023_eu_2023_e-822-945_hero_1 Magna fundraising Children: Testimony of War

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