
Travel & Tourism

Cruises, hotels, resorts, amusement parks, recreational, travel tours, travel websites and booking services, etc.



Our Journey to Enrichment

Amid relentless challenges: digital transformation, evolving preferences, intense competition, and Covid - TUI fearlessly confronted the need for brand redefinition.
In Oct 21, breaking from industry norms we began our journey to shed the shackles of our package baggage and appeal to a broader audience by rallying around the unifying insight that no matter how you holiday, travel enriches lives. A belief brought to life through our ‘Live Happy’ campaign.

Brand: TUI
Client: TUI UK
Agency: Leo Burnett (United Kingdom)
Language: English

Strengthen the Pack

Great Wolf Lodge needed to reinvigorate their brand: the brand’s unaided awareness was very low. To drive business in a category dominated by big-name players, we created a breakthrough campaign to stay top-of-mind with families who see travel as a way to spend meaningful, distraction-free time together. The campaign brought the Great Wolves to life and invited families to “Strengthen the Pack” at Great Wolf Lodge. In the 3 months since launch, we outpaced benchmarks: doubling awareness, blowing past revenue goals and brand target metrics months ahead of schedule.

Brand: Great Wolf Lodge
Client: Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.
Agency: Erich and Kallman
Language: English

America Got Funderstruck

Up against the shock of a 17-month shutdown coupled with the cruise industry’s pandemic PR nightmare, Carnival needed to get people back on ships. While every travel brand shouted “We’re Back,” Carnival focused on what Americans had been missing. Something Carnival delivered unlike anyone else: Social Fun. The campaign that resulted–Funderstruck–bottled the energy of FUN Americans longed for. Funderstruck cut through the noise & negative perceptions. Carnival saw their best bookings week in history and surpassed 2019 bookings, achieving their target percentage of new cruisers earlier than expected.

Brand: Carnival Cruise Line
Client: Carnival Cruise Line
Agency: Anomaly
Language: English

2023_ap_2023_sp-tt005_hero_1 Tourism Australia The Off Season
2023_la_2023_e-3671-047_hero_1 Gol Linhas Aéreas ¡Gracias por la propaganda!
2023_mn_2023_e-4276-854_hero_1 Louvre Abu Dhabi Personalised Impressionism

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