
Snacks & Desserts

Ice cream, candy, chips, cookies, bakery items, nut, fruit & vegetable snacks, popcorn, etc.



This Could Be A Problem

In August 1999, Dreyer's Ice Cream launched Dreamery to compete with Haagen-Dasz and Ben & Jerry's. To effectively challenge these two venerable brands, and hold onto the valuable freezer shelf space, Dreamery would have to work its way into the hearts of a special group of heavy users, possessed with a comic obsession for the product. Armed with this insight Dreamery was positioned as the ice cream for the ice cream obsessive, i.e., "Ben & Jerry's may be for environmentalists and Haagen-Dasz may be for sophisticates, but Dreamery is about ice cream." An advertising narrative about these people and their relationships with ice cream was created and produced marvelous and accurately measured results.

Brand: Dreyer's
Client: Dreyer's
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners
Language: English

Nothing Fits Like A Ritz

The "Nothing Fits Like A Ritz" campaign was designed to remind today's' forgetful moms how Ritz fits their lifestyle. In order to communicate that Ritz's one of a kind taste was perfect for any eating occasion, we used our most appetizing icon, a Ritz cracker, combined with the brand's signature red and yellow colors. The result was a powerfully simple campaign idea that has exceeded all objectives, driving awareness and usage measures, franchise penetration and share of requirements. Ritz sales also increased significantly, delivering the highest marginal profit return and greatest advertising efficiency in the entire Nabisco portfolio.

Brand: Nabisco Ritz
Client: Nabisco Foods Company
Agency: JWT Chicago
Language: English

Crispy M&M's Launch

With the launch of Crispy "M&M's" in 1999, "M&M's" needed to revitalize its brand and regain the strong growth it had found earlier in the decade. It needed to do this with a line extension in the highly competitive taste segment of crispy/crunchy candies. The slowing growth of the overall category and the many new entrants from top brands were additional obstacles to the severe challenge that was placed before BBDO and the "M&M's" Franchise group. The Challenge was to make "Crispy" the biggest candy launch in M&M/Mars history.

Brand: M&M's
Client: Mars, Inc.
Agency: BBDO New York
Language: English

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