

Open to all retail companies (online and/or brick & mortar) with general or specific merchandise. 



Merry Side Of Sears

The Merry Side of Sears campaign was designed to differentiate Sears from the myriad of holiday/sale advertising and thus generate traffic and increased sales/profits for Sears. The Merry Side campaign tapped into the already built consumer associations of the Softer Side of Sears campaign. Sears Experienced its best Christmas ever, more than tripling average industry gains. In fact, Sears was singled out by analysts as one of the few winners in an otherwise lackluster Christmas selling season.

Brand: Sears
Client: Sears Holding Company
Agency: Young & Rubicam New York
Language: English

Be True To Your School

This is a comprehensive, Intergrated campaign which was created to provide a compelling distinguishing characteristics that could be marketed to reinforce loyalty, strengthen positioning and increase traffic in participating shopping centers. The program rewards participating shoppers with free school learning tools to be donated to the shoppers' school choice, The program was created for relitivily non-descript, middle of the road shopping centers which offer no inherent value over the myriad of growing competition.

Brand: The Taubman Company Shopping Centers
Client: The Taubman Company
Agency: Eisner & Associates, Inc.
Language: English


The 7-Eleven "Comedians" campaign successfully reposition 7-Eleven from the convenience store industry fall guy to a store that's changed to better satisfy more people more often. The campaign addressed customer's skepticism about the store environment, pricing, product selection and freshness by showing 7-Eleven's most influential critics-comedians-both criticizing the store and then being won over by the scope of the changes.

Brand: 7-Eleven
Client: 7-Eleven, Inc.
Agency: JWT Chicago
Language: English

2023_eu_2023_e-1094-101_hero_1 McDonald's McDonald's "Together let's go big"
2023_eu_2023_e-814-354_hero_1 Lacoste Unexpected Encounters
2023_la_2023_e-3239-503_hero_1 EASY Un Rincón en el Mundo para cada uno

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