

Quick Service, casual dining, mid-scale, white table cloth and other restaurants.



KFC Degustation

KFC Australia created a fine-dining degustation experience with 11 courses, using the food we sell in restaurant every single day. We knew that giving our food such a cheeky, fancy and over-the-top treatment - then targeting food critics, influencers and foodie-publications - would ensure the campaign amassed a huge amount of PR coverage, which successfully lifted KFC’s food quality perceptions.

Brand: KFC
Client: KFC Australia
Agency: Ogilvy Sydney

Esfihas que llaman a todos. ¡Mismo!

A pesar de la historia de éxito de Habib’s, estaba claro que la fórmula de hablar solo sobre esfihas y precios bajos ya no funcionaba más. Además, todo esto ocurrió en una categoría con los fuertes competidores globales McDonald's y Burger King. Y la clave aquí fue comprender que la confrontación no conduce a nada. Por eso, en lugar de alimentar las provocaciones de la categoría, decidimos apostarlo todo e hicimos un homenaje. Creamos sabores inspirados en nuestros competidores. Y llamamos a todo el mundo de vuelta a Habib's.

Brand: Habib's
Client: Habib's
Agency: AlmapBBDO
Language: Spanish

The Return of Mark Hamill: A Jedi Move

Limited time offer campaigns in the QSR category usually focus on product and rarely build brand. In our case, the Return of Mark Hamill heralded a new era for Jack in the Box while also driving significant sales of limited time products. By taking inspiration from the brand’s real deal legendary past, we brought back our most famous (and famously fired) employee to highlight the return of fan favorite foods. With a little help from the original Jedi Knight, our campaign moved product and took culture and consumers by storm.

Brand: Jack in the Box
Client: Jack in the Box
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9591-008_hero_1 Papa John's Doritos Cool Ranch Papadia Was ‘My Idea’
2023_ap_2023_sp-rs009_hero_1 McDonald's Mates make it Macca's
2023_ap_2023_sp-rs001_hero_1 KFC KFC's Left-Handed Menu

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