
Real Estate

Real estate websites, brokers, homes, rentals, condos, malls, etc.  Both commercial & residential real estate.



Real Estate for the Real World

Century 21 had enjoyed nearly universal awareness and market leadership, but perceptions of the brand had fallen off. This campaign has successfully reversed that trend by showing that Century 21 uniquely 'gets it': that buying and selling a home is not perfect, but that an understanding company like Century 21 could help.

Brand: Century 21
Client: Century 21
Agency: Lowe and Partners
Language: English

Comfort Homes

The PG&E Comfort Home campaign successfully used integrated marketing and advertising techniques to generate a high level of interest among potential home buyers. Almost 20,000 qualified leads were achieved -63% higher than goal.

Brand: Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Client: Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
Agency: McCann-Erickson San Francisco
Language: English

Opening Doors

The Fannie Mae Foundation's Opening Doors outreach campaign involved network, spot, and cable television, national consumer print, newspaper, radio and direct mail in an effort to communicate that the Fannie Mae Foundation can help get consumers on the path to homeownership by serving as their source for reliable home-buying information. The campaign produced 1.69 million responses, outperforming our response goal by 41%. According to tracking research among respondents, 32% of consumers who contact the Foundation are able to buy a home within one year.

Brand: Fannie Mae
Client: Fannie Mae Foundation
Agency: GSD&M
Language: English

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2019_mn_2019_184_hero_1 AZURE AL REEM AZURE AL REEM
2018_ru_2018_1266_hero_1 SinaraDevelopment Building value for the future

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