
Leisure & Lifestyle

Recreational, sporting, and camping goods/services and other items/services intended for leisure activity.



Why We Play

While the competition was heavily outspending Nike Bauer with ad campaigns that put pro players on pedestals, Nike Bauer instead built a movement for itself that began with a six-week immersion into the lives of hockey players at all levels through the agency's brand anthropology group. The result: a fresh, holistic effort that connected with the brand community on a level they could relate with and established Nike Bauer as the one hockey brand that truly understands 'Why Players Play.'

Brand: Nike Bauer Hockey
Client: BAUER Hockey, Inc.
Agency: OLSON
Language: English

Spend More Time On The Water

Facing a shrinking pool of customers due to economic and distribution challenges and strong competition from industry leaders Mercury and Yamaha, Evinrude needed to find a new, more meaningful point of difference. Research showed that Evinrude was beginning to build a reputation for requiring the least amount of maintenance. This resonated with consumers who hated the hassle and cost of outboard maintenance. Now, Evinrude could promise more time on the water and less time in the dealership.

Brand: Evinrude
Client: Bombardier Recreational Products
Agency: Cramer-Krasselt
Language: English

DS Women

Nintendo DS faced a sales plateau if it didn't broaden its loyal, but saturated base of hardcore gamers. It was clearly time to tap into a new but unlikely target - young women. However, their views on gaming were often that it wasn't relevant to their lives. Nintendo needed to prove that things had started to change. Gaming became playing, and women they admired were in on the fun. This approach produced a shift in attitudes and behaviors that translated to unprecedented sales.

Brand: Nintendo DS
Client: Nintendo of America
Agency: Leo Burnett USA
Language: English

2019_ca_2019_e-178-465_hero_1 Go RVing Bring Back Wildhood
Blog_image ouigo Ouigo let"s go !
Blog_image Olympique de Marseille Om à la folie

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