

Financial products and services including: communications promoting overall image and capabilities of a financial institution.



Scotiabank Netflix

Brand: Scotiabank
Client: Scotiabank
Agency: Publicis
Language: Spanish


Retirement is the last thing on young Singaporeans' minds. 3 out of 4 intend to start saving for it only at age 38. To motivate them to start earlier, local insurer Income turned the retirement conversation on its head: no more senior citizens. Instead: millennials enjoying life now with a plan. Getting a young celebrity to ‘retire’ sparked a national conversation that got the attention of millennials. Awareness of Income's savings products soared and young Singaporeans started planning for their retirement, boosting annual premiums by 91%.

Brand: NTUC Income
Client: INCOME
Agency: BBH Asia Pacific
Language: English

Viva a SUA história no Rio

In order to maintain its leadership in the Brazilian market and bring results in Q3, a period with media restrictions and with the competitor investing six times more, Mastercard bet on the exclusive experiences of its Rio No Tem Price platform and the tourist flow of high income in Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympic Games.
With exclusive experiences for people to live their own history, we drop the restrictions to impact the target in the various moments of the journey (the interest in traveling to Rio at the moment of relaxation on the beach).
Thus, Mastercard maintained its leadership with historical records: it strengthened its preference (main index of success), use of the card, brand awareness, became a benchmark in exclusive experiences and made its Brazilian site the most accessed of the brand worldwide.

Para manter a liderança no mercado brasileiro e trazer resulta-dos no Q3, período com restrições de mídia e com a concorrente investindo seis vezes mais, a Mastercard apostou em expe-riências exclusivas da sua plataforma Rio Não Tem Preço e no fluxo de turistas de alta renda no Rio de Janeiro para os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016. 
Com experiências exclusivas para as pessoas viverem a própria história, e não a das outras, driblamos as restrições ao impactar o target nos diversos momentos da jornada (do interesse em viajar ao Rio ao momento de relaxamento na praia).
Assim, a Mastercard manteve sua liderança com recordes históricos: fortaleceu preferência (principal índice de sucesso), uso do cartão, brand awareness, virou referência em experiên-cias exclusivas e fez seu site brasileiro ser o mais acessado da marca mundialmente.

Brand: MasterCard
Client: Mastercard
Agency: WMcCANN
Language: Portuguese

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