

Financial products and services including: communications promoting overall image and capabilities of a financial institution.



Friends Again

As a traditional bank we had an uphill battle if we wanted to steal market share from an app whose name is popular vernacular (“just Venmo me”). To set Bank of America apart among a millennial audience whose preference was already set in stone, we had to get emotional. By leading with the voices millennials trust and creating an occasion for conversation and compassion, Bank of America’s #FriendsAgain campaign generated new mobile banking customers and, ultimately, the new Zelle technology disrupted the disruptor, becoming the leader in transactions over Venmo.

Brand: Bank of America
Client: Bank of America
Agency: GroupeConnect
Language: English

Ask Tough Questions

The goal was to make Questrade the champion of average Canadian investors by giving them the confidence to confront their traditional financial advisors with ‘tough questions.’ The questions helped make Canadians aware that there was a better option to the big banks (Questrade) and that it could help them retire up to 30% wealthier. As a result, Questrade experienced 26 record months of double-digit new account openings and assets under management grew from $3B to $9B.

Brand: Questrade
Client: Questrade
Agency: No Fixed Address
Language: English

Las Pymes No Están Solas

En Colombia crear empresa es de valientes. El 70% de las pyme fracasan antes del quinto año. Ante este panorama Bancolombia lanzó Negocios Pyme, una plataforma que va más allá de lo financiero y responde a las necesidades más gritadas por ellos: formación, financiamiento, inspiración, conexión y actualización. Para demostrar que los conoce, el banco lanzó la plataforma tocando su fibras más sensibles. Logramos un caso inédito según Millwardbrown. En el Brand Equity se incrementó la “preferencia por la marca” del segmento pyme 6.6 puntos en solo un año.

Client: Bancolombia
Language: Spanish

2024_us_2024_e-8878-452_hero_1 E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley E*TRADE "Wedding"
2024_us_2024_e-9371-121_hero_1 Kinecta Federal Credit Union We’re Banking On You, Watts
2024_us_2024_e-9425-644_hero_1 Ally Changing the Game for Women’s Sports

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