
Beverages - Alcohol

Beer, champagne, liquor, wine, wine coolers, etc.



Bergenbier Football

Brand: Bergenbier
Client: Bergenbier
Agency: Leo Burnett Romania
Language: English

If We Made It

Newcastle had lost relevance in a category with more players than ever. With a shoestring budget and a No Bollocks attitude, Newcastle wanted to become the most talked about beer brand in the country by hijacking Super Bowl conversation. How? By overhyping the Super Bowl ad we almost made, with teasers, trailers, focus groups, interviews with celebrities who wouldve starred, and an epic storyboard version of the ad we almost made. Two weeks, 10 million views, 600 media stories, 1.1 billion impressions and increases in awareness, consideration, trial and usage.

Brand: Newcastle Brown Ale
Client: Newcastle Brown Ale, Heineken USA
Agency: Droga5
Language: English

How Guinness Replaced Culture With Character To Build A Bigger Business

Guinness' best day each year is March 17, when the world goes green for St Patrick's Day. But to grow, Guinness needed to claim a territory that was bigger than Irishness. So it looked inside itself, took the substance for which it was renowned and used it as the basis of a new and a timely role for the brand to raise a glass to those with more character and substance.

Brand: Guinness
Client: Diageo
Agency: BBDO New York
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9036-452_hero_1 Budweiser This Bud’s For You: Recruiting A New Generation of Budweiser Drinkers
2023_ap_2023_sp-ba005_hero_1 Harbin Harbin The Beer Bench
2023_la_2023_e-3005-880_hero_1 Diageo México Buchanan´s Two Souls Buchanan’s Two Souls®: La unión de dos grandes

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