
Beauty & Fragrance

Includes cosmetics, fragrances, hair products, nail products, subscription boxes, jewelry, accessories, etc.  



Get Real

Carter Wallace maintains share dominance - and even grows a bit - despite competitive onslaught and decreased public health interest in condoms. Carter Wallace was able to maintain its share dominance in the condom category despite several new introductions from competitors and decreased public interest in AIDS. Trojans have expanded advertising venues for the category, enabling the brand to continue its lead. In addition, a successful price brand launch has stemmed competition.

Brand: Trojans
Client: Carter Wallace
Agency: Bates USA
Language: English

There's Only One Jeep

Market share and sales for the Jeep Brand began to erode in 1990 as new competitors entered the market. The combined success of the new Grand Cherokee and repositioned Cherokee has resulted in a 145% increase in sales for Jeep since 1992. Additionally, Jeep's share of the compact sport utility segment has increased from 17.3% to 31.5% during this time.

Brand: Jeep
Client: Chrysler LLC
Agency: Bozell Worldwide
Language: English

Cap'n Crunch Kid Control

Cap'n Crunch cereal needed to reverse declines and find meaning for today's kids in a stale, aging equity. Four core strategic tenants were identified to deliver advertising that leverages the strengths of historic equities yet contemporarizes the brand and creates a stronger dialogue with today's kids. The strategy created is flexible enough to accommodate advertising for multiple flavors and allow executional freshness, yet requires enough consistencies to seed specific brand-wide equities. The result is advertising that connects with kids on both an emotional and visceral level.

Brand: Cap'n Crunch Cereal
Client: Quaker Oats Company
Agency: Bayer Bess Vanderwarker
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9337-587_hero_1 Pantene If You Know, You Know It's Pantene.
2023_ap_2023_sp-bw007_hero_1 Dove Stop The Beauty Test
2023_la_2023_e-3400-921_hero_1 Avon Brasil Excellence in Influence

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