
Topical Marketing

This category reconizes cases that effectively leveraged immediate relevance, interest or importance via a targeted marketing/PR strategy around current events (e.g. elections, World Cup, Olympics, economics, etc.)



Tigres del Ahorro - Mibanco

En una coyuntura donde se acumulaban noticias sobre corrupción, nuestra campaña midió la temperatura del momento y empatizó con la indignación colectiva dándole una voz. Usando códigos populares, representamos a los corruptos como ratas, y en contraposición a las personas honestas, que valoran su dinero bien ganado y lo ahorran, como Tigres. Al exponer lo que ocurría en el país logramos una gran recordación en la campaña y aumentamos en 69.1% el monto de depósitos y casi duplicamos el número de cuentas de DPF, entre AGO-DIC 2022 vs 2021.

Brand: Mibanco
Agency: Circus Grey
Language: Spanish

The Currency of Corruption

In Lebanon, a country that was plagued with every political, economic, and social crisis imaginable, women gender-based-violence (GBV) survivors were not seeking help, believing that their safety isn’t a priority versus the other problems they faced. So, with women’s rights NGO, ABAAD, we reminded women their safety from domestic abuse was a PRIORITY TOO. Using an effective mix of social media, influencers, and on-ground engagements, we offered help by providing ABAAD’s helpline. In doing so, we shifted women’s safety against gender-based violence from not a priority to a priority too.  

Brand: Lebanese Transparency Association (LTA)
Client: Transparency International Lebanon (TI-LB)
Agency: Publicis Groupe - Leo Burnett Middle East
Language: English

Mobily #Everyone'sKingdom

Approximately 10% of the population in Saudi Arabia have some form of disability, and social awareness and understanding of persons with disabilities is lacking amongst the general population leading them to feel some sense of social exclusion from society. Mobily wanted to connect with the Kingdom during Saudi National Day to promoting a message of social inclusion. The #EveryonesKingdom initiative was designed to spark a conversation to bring forward a change in societal stereotypes towards people with disabilities, as well as empowering those with disabilities to explore their potential.

Brand: Mobily #EveryonesKingdom
Client: Mobily
Agency: M&C Saatchi UAE
Language: English

2023_la_2023_e-2869-201_hero_1 Animal Político Museo de la Mentira
2023_la_2023_e-2919-893_hero_1 Dove El Poder de las Plantas
2023_la_2023_e-3018-239_hero_1 Netflix QUE MIRÁ BOBOT

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