

This is an award for rebirth campaigns. To enter your brand must have experienced a downturn of more than one year and a period of at least six months of upturn sales.



New Life for Old Spice

Old Spice has been a formidable presence in male grooming for over 70 years. But Axe's invasion in 2002 dramatically changed the landscape. With its promise of sexual conquest, Axe became the cool kid on the block while Old Spice was seen as increasingly outdated and out of touch. By positioning Old Spice as an experienced big brother, this campaign revitalized an icon and successfully introduced the brand to a whole new generation of guys.

Brand: Old Spice
Client: Procter & Gamble
Agency: Wieden+Kennedy
Language: English

Everybody Wants a Little Bit of Luck

The New York Lottery needed to revive a steady decline of sales of the Take 5 game, one that had inconsistent support and a dated unappealing image. Furthermore, the game was positioned against more modern, technologically advanced and enticing competitors. The challenge was to convince people that luck was not only possible, it was probable because with Take 5 they had 1-in-9 odds to win. This was accomplished by creating a miniature little-bit-of-luck character, a ubiquitous mascot for winning. The result: over-delivery of sales and playership goals.

Brand: New York Lottery
Client: New York Lottery
Agency: DDB New York
Language: English

Straight From the Bog

The "Straight From the Bog" campaign turned around a long trusted American brand and brought them back to consumers' hearts and consumers' fridges. By connecting the brand in an emotional way and telling consumers about the powerful health benefits of the brand, the campaign managed to turn around a company that had seen declining sales for over 5 years. We did it with a fully integrated campaign that brought the bog to the consumers so they could discover the great taste, health and heritage of the cranberry.

Brand: Ocean Spray
Client: Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
Agency: Arnold Worldwide
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9367-398_hero_1 INFINITI The Shift from Value to Valuable
2023_ap_2023_ss-br016_hero_1 Dancow Mother's Love is Perfect

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