
Sustained Success - Services

Service communications efforts that have experienced sustained success for more than 3 years are eligible for entry.



Atitudes que mudam nosso mundo

This is the case of Itaú #issomudaomundo, a story that has been building over the past 4 years. It shows how more than 20 campaigns have orchestrated a narrative that has helped transform people's lives and branding indicators for the better.
Banks are seen as a necessary evil by people, but Itaú believes that maintaining a consistent performance in projects that go beyond financial services is the only way to reverse this viewpoint. Therefore, the 'done for you' has always had a single purpose: stimulate the power of transformation of people.
With this conviction, we have been promoting initiatives in three pillars: Education, Culture and Urban Mobility. But even with our support, they went unnoticed. We understood, therefore, that more than knowledge, it was necessary to make the initiatives also build the business.
We define our goals as reinforcing consideration and preference, improving indicators of 'Socioeconomic Responsibility' and increasing knowledge and participation in initiatives. We kept our belief in change, but that alone was not enough. In order to engage people, it was necessary to understand transformation as a shared desire and responsibility shared by all - not as a one-way street.
Everyone has the power to change the world. And no one has to do it alone. We realized that people needed to be the protagonists of the change and the bank needed to provide them with tools to make it viable. We then created the 'Platform That changes the world' which, in addition to presenting the initiatives, invites people to be the agents of transformation. To simplify, we've created the #issomudaomundo, which signs all campaigns on the platform.
In four years, we have presented and sustained our invitation through mass campaigns, digital content from the #missomundoomundo series, the Read for a Child project and the Kidsbook Collection, as well as actions for the Urban Mobility and Culture initiatives.
As a result, we have expanded our knowledge of the initiatives by more than 40 percentage points and we have verified that anyone who knows any of them has a higher perception of consideration and preference, with an average increase in 2017 of 17 and 19 pp respectively.
In those four years, the platform has helped millions of people become agents of transformation and has promoted changes that are far from over. Because before the bike, books or cinema, believing that a shared purpose can transform people's lives, it does change the world.
Esse é o case do Itaú #issomudaomundo, uma história que vem sendo construída há 4 anos. Vamos mostrar como mais de 20 campanhas orquestraram uma narrativa que ajudou a transfor-mar a vida das pessoas e os indicadores da marca para melhor. 
Bancos são vistos como mal necessário pelas pessoas, mas o Itaú acredita que manter uma atuação consistente em projetos que vão além dos serviços financeiros é o único jeito de reverter esse cenário.Por isso, o ‘feito para você’ sempre teve um único propósito: estimular o poder de transformação das pessoas. 
Com essa convicção, vínhamos promovendo iniciativas em três pilares: Educação, Cultura e Mobilidade Urbana. Mas mesmo com nosso apoio, elas passavam despercebidas. Entendemos, portanto que, mais do que conhecimento, era preciso fazer com que as iniciativas também construíssem para o negócio.
Definimos nossos objetivos como reforçar consideração e preferência, melhorar indicadores de ‘Responsabilidade So-cioeconômica’ e ampliar o conhecimento e participação nas iniciativas. Mantínhamos a crença na mudança, mas só isso não era suficiente. Para engajar as pessoas, era preciso entender a transformação como um desejo e responsabilidade comparti-lhados por todos — e não como via de mão única.
Todos têm o poder de mudar o mundo. E ninguém precisa fazer isso sozinho. Percebemos que as pessoas precisavam entrar como protagonistas da mudança e o banco com as ferramen-tas para viabilizá-la. Criamos então a 'Plataforma Isso muda o mundo' que, além de apresentar as iniciativas, convida as pes-soas para serem os agentes da transformação. Para simplificar criamos a #issomudaomundo, que assina todas as campanhas da plataforma.
Em quatro anos, apresentamos e sustentamos nosso convite por meio de campanhas de massa, conteúdos digitais da série #issomudaomundo, do projeto Leia para uma criança e Cole-ção Kidsbook, além de ações para as iniciativas de Mobilidade Urbana e Cultura.
Como resultado, ampliamos o conhecimento sobre as iniciativas em mais de 40 pontos percentuais e comprovamos que quem conhece qualquer uma delas tem uma percepção superior sobre consideração e preferência, com um aumento médio em 2017 de 17 e 19 p.p. respectivamente.
Nesses quatro anos, a plataforma ajudou milhões de pessoas a se tornarem agentes de transformação e promoveu mudanças que estão longe de acabar. Porque antes da bike, dos livros ou do cinema, acreditar que um propósito compartilhado pode transformar a vida das pessoas, isso sim, muda o mundo.

Brand: Itaú Unibanco
Client: Itaú Unibanco
Agency: Africa
Language: Portuguese

The Joy Exchange

Brand: Akanksha Foundation
Client: Akanksha Foundation
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Pvt. Ltd.
Language: English

Borrow to your benefit

ING wants to strengthen its position on consumer loans market in terms of sales and image, with less media spending than the main players. It wants to distinguish itself from the pro-consumerist communication of competition, in line with the aspirational image of the bank. That's why we linked ING with the idea of a good, progressive loan, untapped communication need. Breakthrough communication for the category, has shown a new perspective of loan perception: as an investment that can bring profit. It also changed the role of the bank: from the opponent who uses the situation to an institution that enables self-realization. Thanks to this, we have successfully reached the desired borrowers, achieved top-notch sales growth, and retained our key brand image atributes.

Brand: ING Bank Slaski
Client: ING Bank Slaski
Agency: Brain
Language: Polish

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