
Positive Change - Environmental: Non-Profit

Recognizing non-profit organizations and associations  with marketing programs that have measurably shifted audience (B2B or B2C) behavior toward more environmentally sustainable choices, grown demand for more sustainable products and servi



Birds Records

How to help birds in distress if charity isn’t developed in Russia? People tend to donate one-off and to the popular directions. We used streaming model for charitable purposes for the first time. WWF and Yandex.Music created the first noncommercial label “Birds Records”. Birds became performers and were able to earn money. Recorded by Dorn on the base of birds’ samples single “Dich’” was presented on Yandex.Music. Birds received deductions from each listening and will continue while it’s in demand.

Brand: World Wildlife Fund Russia (WWF Russia)
Client: WWF Russia
Agency: BBDO Moscow
Language: English

The Most Energy Efficient Campaign Ever

California had a dirty little secret. Despite being famous publicly for their eco-progressiveness, in private, individuals didn’t do enough to make a difference. While they were aware of energy actions they could take, many didn’t act. We needed to do more than talk the talk. We needed to show Californians that their little actions add up when taken together. This led to The Most Energy Efficient Campaign Ever: the first campaign where the ads themselves saved energy. In the end, millions of actions were taken and billions of kWh saved.

Brand: Energy Upgrade California
Client: California Public Utilities Commission
Agency: DDB San Francisco
Language: English

Birds Records

How to help birds in distress if charity isn’t developed in Russia. People tend to donate one-off and to the popular directions. To solve the problem we used streaming model for charitable purposes for the first time. WWF in partnership with Yandex.Music created the first noncommercial label “Birds Records”. Birds became performers and were able to earn money. Recorded by Dorn on the base of birds’ samples single “Dich’” was presented on Yandex.Music. Birds received deductions from each listening and will continue while it is in demand.

Brand: World Wildlife Fund Russia (WWF Russia)
Client: WWF Russia
Agency: BBDO Moscow
Language: English

2023_la_2023_e-2701-030_hero_1 Lalcec Día postergado
2023_mn_2023_e-4150-230_hero_1 BEEAH Race for Life
2023_mn_2023_e-4280-198_hero_1 Greenpeace ArzePay

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