
Youth Marketing

This category will honor those efforts that successfully communicate to teens or young adults.



Madden Season

Madden NFL is one of the most iconic sports franchises in video game history. But after 26 years, it had lost cultural relevance. To get back into the conversation we embraced Internet culture, creating an over-the-top celebration of the intense, and often crazy, behaviors unique to Madden rivalries. This included a music video, social influencer content, and a real-time animated GIF engine powered by trash talk & Madden game footage. In the end, Madden broke sales records, and initiated a new generation of gamers into the Madden Madness.

Brand: EA Madden NFL 15
Client: EA Sports
Agency: Heat
Language: English

Always #LikeAGirl

Girls experience the biggest drop in confidence during puberty, around the same time as their first period. As a society, we contribute to that drop, often without even recognizing it. Always wanted to change this, so they created a rallying cry to reverse the meaning of a common playground insult to champion girls confidence through the #LikeAGirl campaign. #LikeAGirl gave life to our brand purpose and inspired our target. It created a global movement with 76MM views and spread beyond our wildest expectations!

Brand: Always
Client: Procter & Gamble
Agency: Leo Burnett Chicago
Language: English

Smellcome to Manhood

Since 2002, AXE dominance in the body sprays category had gone largely uncontested. With over 80% of the market they have a monopoly over young guys. So how could Old Spice compete? We used moms to turn our sprays into a symbol of transition from boyhood to manhood, and tell that story from the perspective of their moms. The campaign helped Old Spice win the battle of the buzz and engagement as well as growing the business in double digits for the first time in the history of the brand.

Brand: Old Spice
Client: Procter & Gamble
Agency: Wieden+Kennedy
Language: English

2023_ap_2023_ss-ym005_hero_1 Sprite Heat Happens - Don't lose to Heat
2023_la_2023_e-2613-147_hero_1 Google Me Being Me, and Google Gets Me
2023_la_2023_e-2851-744_hero_1 Mastercard Unknown Legend

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