
Engaged Community

This category is about managing effective, engaged communities.  Entrants will be brands that are creating content, experiences, and platforms that get their communities to grow, act or amplify messaging in a way that directly relates to the brand's goal.



SickKids VS - All In

When SickKids was built 70 years ago, it was the world’s largest paediatrics hospital. While groundbreaking treatment continues, the facility is showing serious signs of age. Tasked with launching the largest fundraising campaign in Canadian healthcare history ($1.3 billion over a 10-year period) we needed to rally the entire city of Toronto behind this construction. Issuing a call to arms for the city to stand behind the cause, we surpassed our goal of acquiring 5,000 new monthly donors by December 31st by an incredible 29.6%.

Brand: SickKids Foundation
Client: SickKids Foundation
Agency: Cossette
Language: English

Break Bread Smash Stigma

HIV isn’t the death sentence it once was, but HIV stigma lives on. Myths persist about how the disease is spread. As a world-leader in HIV/AIDS care, Casey House wanted to challenge this ignorance with truth and compassion. We found 50% of Canadians wouldn’t knowingly accept food from someone who is HIV positive. To challenge this stigma, we launched the first-ever eatery where all the chefs were HIV+: June’s. 515 earned stories; one billion earned media impressions; $35k budget; educated 730,000 Canadians; documentary picked up by HBO; $120,000 in donations.

Brand: June’s HIV Positive Eatery
Client: Casey House
Agency: Bensimon Byrne / Narrative / OneMethod
Language: English

Samsung Note9 x Fortnite

We were challenged to launch an expensive phone that didn’t look much different from previous models, in a smart phone market that had stopped growing. Audience research led us to the decision to market this device to gamers: a group who would appreciate its internal enhancements in performance. We developed an integrated partnership with the world's hottest game and in turn increased pre-orders among 18-24 year olds +243% and grew topline revenue +$144 million in a four week period.

Brand: Samsung
Client: Samsung Electronics America, Inc.
Agency: R/GA New York
Language: English

2023_ap_2023_ss-ec009_hero_1 McDonald's Unbranded Menu
2023_la_2023_e-2916-766_hero_1 Sedal Disciplina con Sedal
2023_la_2023_e-3066-141_hero_1 Eudora Eudora Siàge

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