

This category is for marketing efforts from businesses targeting other businesses. Business-to-business efforts for any type of product or service, from any marketplace segment, are eligible to enter.



Made With IBM

To drive IBMs credentials in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud we set out to show the value being Made With IBM. We dedicated the entirety of our Masters Tournament TV Inventory to a stream of almost 70 unique commercials: a 35 Minute Documentary, Interrupted by Golf. By solving the ad nauseam of endlessly repetitious commercials, we dominated Masters buzz (3x the mentions of the other sponsors combined). We transformed brand perceptions, and contributed to a $3.5BN increase in category revenue.

Brand: IBM
Client: IBM
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather
Language: English

What We Know Can Help You Grow

Main Street banks were muscling in on GE Capital's turf, spending vast amounts of money on ads promising expertise along with financing. We needed to demonstrate that what GE Capital delivers is unique. And do so in a differentiated way, one that was emotional and authentic. We showcased our strong expertise knowledge that comes from being part of GE through a powerful documentary-style creative approach. And it worked. We were able to get our audience to better understand us, consider us, and even reach out to us.

Brand: GE Capital
Client: GE Capital
Agency: BBDO New York
Language: English


A major manufacturing resurgence is underway in America. It's driven by manufacturing software. Siemens is the market leader but few C-Suite executives know this. We needed to capture their attention, showing how Siemens is changing the way manufacturing works. SpaceX used Siemens software to become the first commercial company to launch a rocket to the International Space Station. We used TV and long form film to re-tell the story, supported by a multi-channel program. So far, sales are projected to reach over $100mm, nearly three times the target.

Brand: Siemens USA
Client: Siemens USA
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather
Language: English

2023_ap_2023_ss-bb004_hero_1 Grab We Hear You: Reshaping Grab's B2B Programs
2023_la_2023_e-2740-592_hero_1 Chevrolet EMPRENDIENDO SOBRE RUEDAS CON N400 DE CHEVROLET
2023_la_2023_e-2797-495_hero_1 Mastercard Gastronomy Col, PE y EC

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