2019 Effie Awards Hungary Winners Announced

The long-term campaign, ”What we have in common” by Soproni (Heineken Hungária Breweries) won this year’s Grand Effie.

Further 11 Bronze, 3 Silver and 6 Gold Effies were awarded and 22 finalists were recognized on the evening of November 4th at the gala at Castle Garden Bazaar in Budapest.

Among the Gold-winning entries with outstanding scores, members of the Grand Jury determined the winner of the Grand Effie: “What we have in common” by Heineken Hungária Breweries with agency partners ACG, Publicis /Starcom, Bistro and Uniomedia.

Vodafone Hungary was named 2019 Effie Hungary Marketer of the Year, and ACG was named Effie Hungary Agency of the Year.

Effie has been organized in Hungary since 2002 by the International Advertising Association (IAA) and the Hungarian Association of Communication Agencies (MAKSZ).

Xem danh sách người chiến thắng đầy đủ: ITT
Meet the Jury: zsűritagok
Gala photos & video: http://www.effie.hu/2019/dijatado-galaest-galeria2019.php

2019 Grand Jury:

  • dr. Ágnes Fábián: President of the Hungarian Branded Goods Association
  • dr. Ildikó Takács: Honorary President of the World Federation of Advertising (IAA) Hungarian Section
  • Edina Kozári: Mercedes-Benz Hungária Kft. Marketing and PR Director
  • István Kutas: Magyar Telekom Plc. Corporate Communications Director
  • Zoltán Péter Nagy: OTP Bank Plc. Marketing and Communications Director
  • dr. Örs Megyer: Member of the Supervisory Board of Effie Awards Hungary