Effie Greece’s 2014 Awards

On Tuesday, July 22, Effie Greece celebrated its Effie winners of 2014 at the Byzantine Museum in Athens. This year, sixteen cases were awarded. The Grand Effie went to agencies Fortune / Cream / Rascal and client Barba Stathis SA for “Freshness Barba Stathis – People”.

Due to the economic crisis, the past few years have been particularly difficult for agencies and marketers working in Greece. In his speech, President of Greece's Association of Advertisers, Gregory Antoniadis, said, “The crisis has highlighted values ​​that previously may not have had the same weight, values such as strength, stubbornness, flexibility and out-of-the-box thinking.”

Other top winners of the night included: McCann Athens, with three gold for their work with ActionAid, Coca-Cola, and Attica; agencies Excellent Presence and Mindworks with two gold for client Zewa; agency The Newtons Laboratory with one gold for client Silver Wind; JWT Athens with one gold for Mondelez; OgilvyOne also with one gold for Mondelez; and Lowe Athens with one gold for Eurobank.

For more information on the 2014 Effie Greece winners and for pictures from the gala, visit Effie Greece’s spletna stran.


O Effie Worldwide Effie Worldwide, ki se zavzema za prakso in izvajalce učinkovitosti trženja, izpostavlja trženjske zamisli, ki delujejo, in spodbuja premišljen dialog o gonilih učinkovitosti trženja. Mreža Effie sodeluje z nekaterimi vrhunskimi raziskovalnimi in medijskimi organizacijami po vsem svetu, da svojemu občinstvu zagotovi ustrezne vpoglede v učinkovito tržno strategijo. Oglaševalci in agencije po vsem svetu poznajo nagrade Effie kot najpomembnejše nagrade v panogi in priznavajo vse in vse oblike tržnega komuniciranja, ki prispevajo k uspehu blagovne znamke. Od leta 1968 je zmaga na Effie postala svetovni simbol dosežkov. Danes Effie slavi učinkovitost po vsem svetu z več kot 40 globalnimi, regionalnimi in nacionalnimi programov po Aziji in Tihem oceanu, Evropi, Latinski Ameriki, Bližnjem vzhodu/Severni Afriki in Severni Ameriki. Pobude Effie vključujejo Indeks učinkovitosti Effie, lestvica najučinkovitejših podjetij in blagovnih znamk na svetovni ravni in Effie zbirka podatkov o primerih. Za več podrobnosti obiščite www.effie.org. Sledi @effieawards na Twitterju za posodobitve informacij o Effie, programov in novice.